Let's have a chat about Texas, shall we?
I landed at the airport and nearly walked past the man in the shiny hat holding a sign with my name on it. He had a limo waiting. WHA?! That was a first. I actually had to tell him thanks but no thanks. I'd rather ride with Devin. Headed with Matthew to Austin where solid training, solid learning, and awesome little kids proceeded to rock my socks in a box for most of the week. Matthew has a gift for coaching, and it was great to learn some tips from him.
Then it was off to San Antonio to train with other good friends of mine on the streets and in the gymnastics gym they should call a second home. Devin, Mike, Jereme, Rebecca, and crew were all really fun to watch and train with. Very inspiring in their attitude towards training, and how they conquer fear. Rebecca and I even tried some acro-balancing and got close to sticking some poses. Wonder Twin powers activate! Late nights washed into early mornings faded into a sleepless night spent dressed up like a zombie and drooling fake blood over gorgeous girls. Nice.
There was also a photoshoot in Houstin with a man named Micheal Shulz who takes the most epic shots. I mean.. this guy takes a picture of you standing (just standing) and, magically, you look like a BAMF. I'll be posting up his pics as I get them, so stay tuned for that.
The main reason I was in Texas was a performance for an Ortho-Nutrogena corporate conference. Performing/training with Devin and Matthew is a really cool experience. Super humble and supportive fellas, those two. They seem to have a way of getting me to go 100% and accomplish things I wouldn't have thought I could beforehand. Can't wait till the next time.
The actual performance was really nerve wracking at first. We only got about an hour to set up, choreograph, and practice our gig before we had to give the stage back to the speakers to practice on. I was so nervous that I couldn't keep any food down that morning, and by the time I was waiting in the wings to run into the spotlights, my heart was beating hard enough I could feel it in the tips of my fingers. When I started running though, it was just like training by myself. Everyone else in the room but Matthew and Devin faded to grey and my mind was totally calm. The boys were just awesome in their stunts, fluidity, and timing.. and I surprised myself with what I pulled off too. Apart from the actual movements, I actually skipped, danced, giggled, and got the crowd to clap to the beat for us during the show. :) Next time I won't waste time puking.
We got to stay at the Hyatt that night with free reign of the hotel.. heck yes. If that's where parkour and movement will get me, I'm going to dive harder and jump higher every day. That makes all the sore muscles and cat rashes even more worth it.
Texas is a crazy little vortex of ambition and foul jokes (Tomato, Tomaaahto Matthew). They've got great big hearts, great big goals, and a great big heap of hard work ahead of them. So do I though, but this trip will help me with that. Seems like every time I head down, I end up growing exponentially as a traceuse. Fear just becomes less important. So yes, I did puke three times out of nerves before that performance, but I performed flawlessly when it got down to it. And yes, I did stay up ALL NIGHT dressed up in silicone and fake blood for that zombie movie, but when it came time for me to get thrown into a wall at 7 in the morning, I was still totally down for it. And yeah.. I guess I was asked to take my shirt off in the middle of Houstin for a photo shoot.. but I stood tall then too. Whatevs. You live, you learn, you find better ways of removing fake blood (rubbing alcohol and two hours in a hot tub does the trick). So Texas, some people think you're too hot to go to.. but I just want to jump on you a little. Say hi to your mother for me.
So you went to Texas, whats that all?
Thanks Janine, for just being amazing and rocking our world while you were down. Everyone should find you useful, awesome and a little scary at times.
Oh oh oh we have inside jokes now. We are too cool for school.
hahahahaha oh man, good stuff, and that picture is awesome as well
So you took your shirt off in the middle of Houston? Right across from a church? How did that go for ya? LOL
It was a pleasure to have you down here and even if you omit the C in my last name you're welcome in H-Town any time for some more epic photos :).
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