Man, I really bomb at making videos. As soon as I start to edit, I begin nit-picking. I always feel like if I'm going to edit something together, it should be my best work.. like a showcase of how much parkour has taught me over the years. But looking over the footy, I know I could have done better, so I erase everything and start over again.
So I'm forgetting that mindset. I'm just going to film when I have a camera on me, and make videos that depict what I happen to be working on at that point in time. Not videos that center on distance, or "bigness" of a technique.
So here's #1. Cowen Park October.
Explicit Childhood
12 years ago
Ee-ay burpees!
Lookin' good! I think this is a much better way to fim and document. Every so often, release a "perfect" video. Something you worked on for weeks and it's perfect. But tiny releases like this are just as important. It shows the training, the raw parkour.
This just seriously brightened my day. Thanks, Janine! Keep training and respect!
I must say, I'm impressed. Keep it up. Never stop. Never settle.
And hello, my name is Andy. :)
Nice! Man, this was great, inspirational, really. I have been going through a "thing" lately and really just need to pull back and return to the crisp simplicity of training. So thank you. :)
Thanks for the support all! I'm hoping to throw up another vid by next week. :)
I like that you included strength training in the video. That's still an element in parkour that is under-appreciated.
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